Company Formation Service in UAE.

We Al-Wahat Accounts and Internal Audits offer complete company formation services in UAE to support businesses in setting up their operations in the country. Our expert team provides end-to-end assistance, guiding you through the entire company formation process and ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.

  • Legal Requirements Guidance: Our team provides in-depth guidance on the legal requirements for company formation in the UAE. We help you understand the different company structures available, such as mainland companies, free zone companies, and offshore companies, and assist you in choosing the most suitable option for your business.

  • Documentation Assistance: Company formation involves a series of documentation processes. We assist you in preparing and organizing all the necessary documents required for company registration, shareholder agreements, and other related paperwork.

  • Liaising with Authorities: Dealing with government authorities and regulatory bodies can be complex. Our team acts as your liaison, representing you in all interactions with relevant authorities to ensure a smooth and efficient company setup process.

  • Following the Rules: It's really important to follow the rules for setting up a company to avoid any delays or legal problems. We stay updated on the newest regulations and make sure your company setup process sticks to all the important laws and guidelines.

  • Business License Application: We assist you in obtaining the appropriate business license for your company, whether it's a commercial, professional, industrial, or service license, based on your business activities.

  • Office Space and Visa Services: Depending on the company structure, we help you find suitable office space in the UAE and support you in obtaining visas for your employees and shareholders.

  • Post-Formation Support: Our services extend beyond the company formation process. We provide ongoing support for your business, helping you navigate any post-formation requirements and ensuring a seamless transition to operations.

With our company formation services, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business setup in the UAE is in capable hands. We aim to make the process efficient and hassle-free allowing you to focus on growing your business.

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